Consultancy in Procurement and Supply Chain

We have a dedicated team with vast experience in Procurement and Supply chain management ready to transform procurement from transactional activities to strategic enabler and competitive differentiator. We want you to deliver more value from procurement and Local Content than ever before. Our professional team has over the years excelled at helping organizations understand current opportunities while looking ahead to understand the whole process of procurement and supply chain with its contributions to the profitability bottom line of the entire business.
We are a reliable and a trusted partner with a strong understanding of your business, supported by practical knowledge, process and industry experience, and proprietary methodologies and tools to ensure we deliver the best results for your business. We know here is risk in every supply chain – we help to manage and reduce it taking a proactive approach, we identify the likelihood and impact of risk-mitigating it before it becomes a problem. We achieve this through conducting opportunity assessment, contract Negotiation, business and supply risk management and Bid Reviews